Solutions for Seed Companies and Idea Explorers

Does This Sound like You?


Creating something new is inspiring and fulfilling. However, starting a business is often a bumpy experience. It requires much more than a good idea.

  • You believe you have a great business idea and you even may have already registered a company

  • You wonder if your idea is worth pursuing

  • You need to attract external funds but not sure what is possible and less risky

  • You consider or already have partner(s)

  • You need to have a clear vision and define the next immediate steps


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of your situation and needs. Our experts will contact you within the next 24 hours.

If you are experiencing any of the problems below…

Is my Business Idea good enough?

1. Is my business idea good enough

Sometimes you wonder if you should spend more time and resources on your business idea. You ask yourself:

“Can I develop a successful business from my idea?”


We offer a comprehensive analysis covering all areas from personal motivation and capabilities to commercial viability.
Alternatively, you can book one or more coaching sessions to discuss any aspect of your business idea with an expert.

Lack of Funding

2. Lack of funding
If you need external resources from a Bank, Grant, Investor or through Crowdfunding we can prepare you and significantly increase your chances for success.

Financial resources are often limited at this stage.  This often force company to select a solution, which appear to be cheap initially.  Very often this causes major problems and even losing control over the management of the business in later stages.

Lack of Focus

3. Lack of focus 1

When you are the only founder or just a small team it is often hard to decide where to start from. It is equally hard to decide that to do yourselves and what to  outsource.

Over few sessions with you and/or your team we’ll look at your business from the outside and define the specific steps you should take.

Lack of skills and experience in putting your concept or idea into practice

5. Lack of skills 2

You are expert in your field, you can develop your services or product but you need  resources. Probably expensive ones.

You also need a team but you don’t know how to attract and remunerate them.

There are many challenges but where to focus your limited resources?

We can help you identify the skill gaps, set milestones and we can act as your temporary team in key business areas till you attract the right people.

Attracting the right team members

6. Team 2

Building a strong team in the early days is both critical and perhaps the hardest thing to do. The key is to have a clear vision and communicate it with the right people. But before all this you need to identify who do you need in your team and when.

You need a digital presence but you don’t know where to start from


Regardless of the nature of your business you need to consider your digital presence if you like to be competitive. But there are so many ways, platforms, and offers. It is not a problem to find information but to find the right one for you. Our experts will help you save months in reading, watching tutorials and significantly reduce the risk of investing in the wrong solutions.

Lack of Experience of Using Consultants

8. No experience with consultant
You need external help but feel that the consultant costs is too high and you can  handle it with yourself or with your own staff. Or you have tried already but feel frustrated.

Using consultant is like using any other resource. You need good planning and tight management. Like your own employees your consultant can be ineffective if not hired for the right purpose and managed well.

A good consultant often save time and effort, and help to prevent pitfalls during the critical stages of the development and execution of your business.

…then BizDonut is just what you need

We offer four levels of support:



For business owners requiring mostly monitoring and control of agreed strategy for achieving particular milestones. 1 Monthly Skype/telephone meeting of up to 1.5 hours.



For situations when business is in change like develop or restructuring. 2 Monthly Skype/telephone meetings of up to 1.5 hours, plus telephone support as needed.

On Demand

On Demand

We Evaluate your business website looking at: the  look and feel of the website;  organization and layout;  functionality; identity. We can also help you choosing the right type of platform and select development provider.



We have a series of courses to address various aspects of your business and help you grow. You’ll be assigned to a leading senior coach and have access to all team members and will be provided with a specific toolset to complete the course.

See our full list of services 


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