Does This Sound like You?
Your company is trading for some time now
You have found your sweet spot and have established good relationship with your customers
You’d like to raise external capital
You’d like to manage your team more effectively
You are currently experiencing problems after recent fast growth
You’d like to expand your business and take it to the next level
You need to enhance and promote your brand
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If you are experiencing any of the problems below…
Lack of Formal Procedure and Discipline
Naturally, many companies have found their way of doing things over time. However, when you employ more and more people or delegate new responsibilities to existing team members, you start losing control and some of the activities start to look a bit chaotic.
Introducing new procedures may be painful and effect negatively different aspects of your business.
We have experience in introducing change programmes in large corporations which we adapted to the needs of small and medium companies. We can help you reduce the documentation the critical ones and develop a robust quality management system which guarantees the smooth running of your business.
Lack of Financial Control
Many companies experience difficulties in effectively managing their finances. As a result they waste significant resources which could be used differently otherwise. It is common for a company to be at “reactive” mode when fire fighting.
We help in identifying the gaps, organising the finances, prioritising the expenses, tighten the money flow control, developing procedures and training the team.
Attracting the right team members
Building a strong team in the early days is both critical and perhaps the hardest thing to do. The key is to have a clear vision and communicate it with the right people. But before all this you need to identify who do you need in your team and when.
You need a digital presence but you don’t know where to start from
Regardless of the nature of your business you need to consider your digital presence if you like to be competitive. But there are so many ways, platforms, and offers. It is not a problem to find information but to find the right one for you. Our experts will help you save months in reading, watching tutorials and significantly reduce the risk of investing in the wrong solutions.
Lack of Experience of Using Consultants